Audio guide
Access: The quadrangle doesn’t have access limitations, the Mercato di Mezzo is open every day from 9 to 24
Position: click here to reach Quadril. and ancient market
The Quadrangle and ancient market are the belly of Bologna and can be accessed through the spectacular facade of Palazzo dei Banchi in Piazza Maggiore.
It is the area of the oldest historical center. In its narrow streets, whose geometry recalls the Roman system, city life hummed from the beginning of the second millennium. A life of commerce, culture and economic power. In addition to the schools, banks and public buildings, there were also workshops of artists who left indelible marks in the city of Bologna.
Today, in memory of the ancient business vocation of the area, many of the names of the historic streets remain: Pescherie, Calzolerie, Caprarie, Orefici, Clavature, the portico del Pavaglione. Nowadays everything lives and relives in these little streets that today more than ever underline the character of Bologna “the fat“. Shops of the tosco-emilian food tradition of all kinds, often without entrance door, and where everything is exposed outdoors in a kind of permanent sharing between people who go there.
Curiosity of Quadrangle and ancient market
Inside the quadrangle and ancient market, you can capture the atmosphere of the past. Here you can discover historic shops that are still active mixed with shops of the most exclusive shopping brands. And the best advice is to sit at one of the many dining tables to have something to drink and to live the atmosphere that animates this splendid part of Bologna.
If the weather does not allow you to stay outdoors, take refuge in the Mercato di Mezzo.
The latter, once covered market in the heart of the city, has been completely restored and represents a small Beaubourg of taste. Open from dawn to night to satisfy the need for a fast and at the same time gourmet meal. On two floors you will find street food of the local tradition. From tigelle to piadina, to fast food pizzas and burgers, all to be enjoyed with a great drink.
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