The Trattoria Fantoni is located at the beginning of Via del Pratello, the bohemian area of Bologna. It’s easy to recognize thanks to the red and white checkered tablecloths always on show in the pleasant dehor, particularly recommended on sunny days. The maccheroncini alla norma are a must, but also the great classics of the Bolognese tradition: firstly tagliatelle with ragù in primis and also the homemade desserts. Lunch is particularly convenient because of the discounted prices. Open every day for lunch (from 12.00am to 2.30pm) and dinner (from 8.00pm to 10.30pm).
- phone: +39 051236358
- address: via del Pratello n. 11, Bologna
- email: –
- web: –
Position: click here to reach Tratt. Fantoni